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Operating at the Middle East Technical University TECHNOPOLIS, DamaSistem is a research and development company focusing on design and development of educational software. Also providing training and consultancy, DamaSistem provides solutions to high costs, loss of time and low rates of success encountered by many organizations, which try to solve their instructional needs with traditional methods. While making education more effective and entertaining through computer aided training solutions, also offers tailored solutions to organizations, as well as lowering training costs and delivering an increase in efficiency. The developments in the capabilities of mobile devices and their dropping prices, the facilities offered for mobile Internet access, led DamaSistem to utilize its experience in electronic training in the field of mobile education and to design and develop mobile training solutions.

Web: www.damasistem.com

Email: iletisim@damasistem.com

Telephone: +90312 210 15 00

Predict CSD Consulting is a company which was set up in 2006 and specializes in implementing projects, preparing products, delivering training courses or working on consultancy in different educational fields, such as: e-learning/online courses; e-games; visual products: illustration, game design, graphic elements, educational videos etc; youth work; recruitment and selection of personnel – simulation exercises; organizing events in tourism, culture; stakeholders engagement; Corporate Social Responsibility.

Predict CSD Consulting has experience in involving thousands of people in online courses using the following software: Moodle, Articulate Storyline, Doodly, Toonly, Video Robot, Blender, Unreal Engine, Adobe packages etc.

Web: www.predictconsulting.ro

Email: contact@predictconsulting.ro

Telephone: +40722 977 094

Youth Europe Service (founded in January 1999) is a no-profit association that works, in the social, cultural and environmental fields, to: promote actions to respect nature & the environment; integrate people with disabilities or disadvantages; promote knowledge and protection of the historical, cultural, artistic patrimony; develop social, cultural, artistic, educational and sports activities to create a European citizenship; realize youth exchanges and trainings, voluntary services, organization of cultural events; help the development of new entrepreneurs & job opportunities; promote activities and initiatives in tourism development and promotion; and organize campaigns for peace, brotherhood and solidarity.

Web: www.yespotenza.wordpress.com

Email: yes.potenza@gmail.com

Telephone: +39097134670