can now explore the following results created in this project:
My Story is Europe
It is an interactive animation on the European Union that resumes its paths since its birth and shows the action carried out by the founding fathers up to the current situation, also allowing a historical excursus on the characters and actions that have most characterized it.
“The animated history of Europe" is available in 4 languages (English, Italian, Romanian, and Turkish) here:
You can also use the following address for the interactive learning part:
Let's Learn Europe
Find out as much as possible about EU institutions and what they do for citizens, their mission, and the work they do. We enhance the role of institutions and people who for them they also work by making known the establishment (European Commission, ECB, etc.) which is currently working on building the new Europe.
“Let's Learn Europe" is available in 4 languages (English, Italian, Romanian, Turkish) here: - English; – Romanian; – Italian; – Turkish;
The e-game can be explore using smart phones through an APP and more details are offered here:

My Parliament App
This role-playing game, supported by a specially created e-game software, will give substance to a participatory model, and will activate a "live" training course that will see a wide participation of young people for the defence of values and human rights.